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See Also:
- CONTRACT – INVITATION TO TREAT – Meaning of invitation to treat; whether invitation to treat constitutes an offer or an enforceable contract
CONTRACT - INVITATION TO TREAT - What is an invitation to treat; whether same constitutes an offer or a contract enforceable by an order of specific performance:
- CONTRACT - Counter Offer - Legal effect of
"In BEST (NIG.) LTD V BLACKWOOD HODGE (NIG.) LTD (2011) 5 NWLR (Pt.1239) 95 at 127 Para G-H. "An offer is impliedly rejected if the offeree instead of accepting the…
- CONTRACT - INVITATION TO TREAT - What is an invitation to treat; whether same constitutes an offer or a contract enforceable by an order of specific performance
"...In my view, and to all intents and purposes, the aforementioned documents relied upon by the Appellants does not, by a stretch of imagination create any valid contractual relationship that…