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See Also:
- CONTRACT - Executory Contract - Appropriate damages to be awarded over executory contract - Whether damages for Executory Contract must flow from contract in contemplation of the parties
SHELL BP PETROLEUM DEV. CO. V. JAMMAL ENGINEERING(NIGERIA) LIMITED (1974-LCER-967-SC) "We are clearly of the opinion that in this respect the learned trial judge was in error of law. His…
- CONTRACT - Terms of contract - Implied Terms of contract- Meaning of implied terms of contract
NIGER INSURANCE CO. LTD. V. ABED BROTHERS LTD (1976-LCER-1097-SC) “In Sterling Engineering Co. Ltd. v. Partchett (1955) AC 534 at 547, Lord Reid stated the legal connotation of the phrase "implied term"…
- BAILMENT - Liability of Bailee in contract of bailment - The foundation of contract of bailment - Whether a party can be compensated in excess of the actual loss
WEST AFRICAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL V. JOSEPH CEYLON KOROYE (1977-LCER-1185-SC) “This is a case of bailment. The law relating to the liability of a bailee for breach of a bailment is founded…