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See Also:
- COURT - DUTY OF COURT - Duty of Court to interpret the law/provision of a statute
"The interpretation and application of the provisions of the Constitution, or of a statute, as it affects the civil rights, interests or obligations of any person in Nigeria, is the…
- COURT - Duty of Court - Duty of court when deciding on the issue of vicarious liability
"... it is the duty of the Court to ascertain in every case what the actual purpose of a journey is in order to decide on the issue of vicarious…
- COURT - DUTY OF COURT - Duty of the trial court to assess credibility of witnesses:
"It is the duty of the trial judge to assess the credibility of the witnesses." Per RHODES-VIVOUR, J.S.C. in ABU MOHAMMED v. THE STATE (2020-LCER-39171-SC) at p. 10
- COURT - Duty of Court - Duty of court to protect the fundamental rights of each individual
"The courts in this country especially this court, being a court of last resort has a duty to safeguard fundamental rights. They have that duty for the reasons I have…
- TORT - Duty of Care - Fundamental ingredient of the tort of negligence
"It is well settled that the breach of the duty of care owed by the defendant to the Plaintiff which results in injury to the latter gives rise to an…