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See Also:
- Property Law & Conveyancing: Registration of title - Importance of Registration of title
"Although the Ordinance or, as it should here be called, the Act, does not relate to registration of title, but of instruments, it is plainly intended to give some measure…
- COMMERCIAL LAW - Bill of Lading - Meaning, nature and essence of a bill of lading
"Contracts of carriage of goods by sea are mainly evidenced by a bill of lading. The contents of the bill of lading, exhibit D, are the points upon which the…
- EMPLOYMENT & LABOUR LAW: Contract of Employment - Categories of contract of employment
"There are three categories of contracts of employment. They are: (a) Purely master and servant relationship, (b) Servants who hold their office at the pleasure of the employer. (c) Employments…
- COMMERCIAL LAW - Commercial Letter of Credit - Basic practice relating to a commercial letter of credit
The basic tenor of the law and practice relating to commercial letter of credit is that parties deal in documents not in goods or ships. Article 8(a) of the Uniform…
- CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Breach - Effect of breach of constitutional provisions
"A breach of the Constitution is so fundamental and which cannot be remedied. It is an abuse of process." Per OGUNBIYI, J.S.C. in OKOCHA SAMUEL OSI v. ACCORD PARTY (2016-LCER-30525-SC)…