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See Also:
- EVIDENCE: Admission - Effect of admission in pleadings by parties
"The appellant had by his own admission in the process at the trial court conceded that he did not participate at those primaries aforesaid. On such a situation Rhodes-Vivour, JSC…
- PLEADINGS – Bindingness of Pleadings - Whether parties are bound by their pleadings; effect of admissions in pleadings
"Now just as an appellant is bound by his grounds of appeal so at the earlier stage of the action both parties are bound by their pleadings and it is…
- INTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - RULES OF INTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Guiding principles in interpretation of statutes
"... Lord Campbell L.C. said in Liverpool Borough Bank v. Turner (1860) 2 De G.F. & 1502 at pp. 507 and 508- "It is the duty of Courts of justice…
- INTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Rules of Interpretation of Statute - Guiding principles in interpretation of statutes
"... as a general rule of construction of statutes it is not permissible to supply omissions therein, even where such omissions are patently unintentional; yet if particular words of the…
- INTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Rules of Interpretation of Statute - Guiding principles in interpretation of statutes
"...the words of the learned author of Maxwell on Interpretation of Statutes 11th Edition at p.228 that "Notwithstanding the general rule that effect must be given to every word, yet…