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See Also:
- BAILMENT - Liability of Bailee in contract of bailment - The foundation of contract of bailment - Whether a party can be compensated in excess of the actual loss
WEST AFRICAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL V. JOSEPH CEYLON KOROYE (1977-LCER-1185-SC) “This is a case of bailment. The law relating to the liability of a bailee for breach of a bailment is founded…
- EVIDENCE - BURDEN OF PROOF/STANDARD OF PROOF - Burden and standard of proof in criminal cases; whether doubt in the case of the prosecution should be resolved in favour of the accused
"The law is quite well settled that while the prosecution has the burden of proving the guilt of an accused person beyond reasonable doubt, it is equally trite that any…
- COURT - COMPOSITION OF COURT - Effect of a variation in the composition of a court/tribunal
"The consistency in the membership of the LPDC during hearing until the delivery of its decision goes to the issue of right to fair hearing guaranteed by Section 36(1) of…