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See Also:
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PRACTICE – ARRAIGNMENT – Taking of plea – Whether taking of plea of the defendant in block vitiates the proceedings – Need to be treated as a mere irregularity
PATRICK EZERIKE V. THE STATE (2022-LCER-46643-SC) “It is settled that that while the proper procedure required by law is that a Defendant enters a separate plea to each Count of…
- CLIMINAL LAW AND PRACTICE – Arraignment – Nature of arraignment
“Arraignment takes the form of the charge being read over and explained to the accused in a language that he understands to the satisfaction of the court by the officer…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Arraignment - Taking of the plea of an accused in a criminal trial - Importance of plea or arraignment - Effect of non-compliance with the requirements of a valid arraignment
"The proper arraignment of an accused person is the most important aspect of a criminal trial. This is because it affects the accused person's constitutionally guaranteed right to fair hearing,…