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See Also:
- APPEAL: Issues for Determination - Purpose of Formulating Issues for Determination
"My Lords, the virtue of good formulation of issues upon which a brief of argument in an appeal is predicated is known and appreciated in the lack of it. The…
- APPEAL: Issues for Determination – The principles governing formulation of issues for determination of an appeal
“My Lords, by way of prefatory observations, I note that issues No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 of the appellant raised from Grounds 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7,…
- APPEAL: Issues for Determination – Whether Issues for Determination Must Be Distilled from a Competent Ground of Appeal
"It is now well settled that an issue or issues for the determination of an appeal must be distilled from, or must arise or flow from a competent ground of…