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See Also:
- APPEAL: Fresh Issue - Effect of raising a fresh issue for the first time on appeal without leave of Court
" is obvious from the Appellant's 3 issues at the lower Court, reproduced in the judgment of the Lower Court at pages 283 - 284 of the record, that the…
- APPEAL: Fresh Issue(s) on Appeal – Requirement of leave to raise fresh issue - Whether an issue of jurisdiction can be raised for the first time without leave of Court
"The long settled position of the law is that a fresh issue can only be raised on appeal after leave (i.e. permission) is asked for and obtained, but there is…
- APPEAL: Fresh Issues - Raising Fresh Issues on Appeal Without Leave of Court and the Effect of Failing to Obtain Leave
"this being a fresh issue, leave ought to have been sought and obtained. Accordingly, failure to obtain leave is fatal to the issue, relying on the cases of UOR &…