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See Also:
- APPEAL - Concurrent findings of facts - Guiding principles for the review/interference with concurrent findings of facts by an appellate Court
"My Lords, although the parties have made copious submissions in respect of this issue, it must be borne in mind that this Court is not hearing the case afresh. There…
- APPEAL - Concurrent findings of facts - Attitude of Supreme Court to Concurrent findings of facts - Instances where the Supreme Court may interfere with concurrent findings - Arduous task of the appellant
FAGBILE EBENEZER V. THE STATE (2022-LCER-46644-SC) “It must also be noted that there are concurrent findings of fact by the two lower courts that the appellant was properly identified. It…
- PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE: Concurrent findings – Attitude of the Supreme Court to concurrent findings by the lower courts
“The established altitude of this court has been not to make a casual practice of interfering with decisions of the lower courts based on concurrent findings of facts unless they…