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See Also:
- ACTION - COMMENCEMENT OF ACTION - Originating Summons Procedure - When Originating summons can be used in commencing an action
“What type of action/case is Originating Summons Procedure best suited? I will commence by throwing more light on an Originating Summons Process. In the case of Hussaini Isa Zakirai vs. Salisu…
- ACTION: Commencement of Action by Originating Summons - When the adoption of the originating summons procedure will be inappropriate
"Admittedly, the nature of Originating Summon as complained by the learned senior counsel for the appellant, is to make things simpler for hearing, for example, in a situation where a…
- ACTION: Commencement of Action - When to adopt the originating summons procedure for commencement of an action
"In Ejuwa v Idris (2006) 4 NWLR (Pt. 971) p. 538 As a judge of the Court of Appeal I said that: "Originating summons is the ideal process to commence…