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See Also:
- ACTION - Order of Nonsuit - When an order of nonsuit can be made by trial court - Need to hear evidence before making an order of nonsuit:
MRS. D. M. AIGBE V. BISHOP JOHN EDOKPOLOR (1977-LCER-1166-SC) “And this court has in recent times in very many decisions drawn the attention of trial courts to the principle of law…
- ACTION - Order on Nonsuit - When an order of nonsuit can be made by trial court - Need to hear evidence before making an order of nonsuit:
“And this court has in recent times in very many decisions drawn the attention of trial courts to the principle of law relating to orders of non-suit which is that although…
- JUDGMENT AND ORDER - ORDER OF DISMISSAL - Effect of an order of dismissal
"...The order of dismissal entered by the Court in suit No. HOY/7/1997 operates as an estoppel per rem judicatem and bars the Appellant from re-litigating the subject matter. See MAKUN…