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See Also:
- ACTION - LOCUS STANDI - The fundamental nature of locus standi - Where lacking - Effect on the action
“It is fundamental that a person who institutes an action in court must be competent to do so and in the case of Ajao v. Sonola and another delivered on…
- ACTION - Locus standi - Rationale behind the principle of locus standi
A.-G., RIVERS STATE & ORS V. LAGOS C.C. & I. (2018-LCER-34287-SC) "The principle of locus standi is designed to keep out busy bodies and their frivolities. This application is frivolous.…
- ACTION - LOCUS STANDI - The fundamental nature of locus standi - Where lacking - Effect on the action
QUO VADIS HOTELS LIMITED V. COMMISSIONER OF LANDS (1973-LCER-8070-SC) “It is fundamental that a person who institutes an action in court must be competent to do so and in the…