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See Also:
- ACTION - CAUSE(S) OF ACTION - Definition of cause of action
"Literally, the noun 'cause' simply means to bring about or effect. A 'cause of action' invariably denotes a combination (group) of operative facts thereby resulting in one or more bases…
- ACTION - CAUSE OF ACTION - Definition of cause of action
HON. FRANCIS ALUU OKO & ORS v. A.G., EBONYI STATE (2021-LCER-40494-SC) "Literally, the noun 'cause' simply means to bring about or effect. A 'cause of action' invariably denotes a combination…
- ACTION - Meaning of cause of action
“In Egbe Vs Adefarasin (supra) a case of action was defined as "the fact or facts which establish or give rise to a right of action. It is the factual…