CLIMINAL LAW AND PRACTICE – Arraignment – Nature of arraignment


Arraignment takes the form of the charge being read over and explained to the accused in a language that he understands to the satisfaction of the court by the officer of court authorized by the court to do so, and the accused being called upon to plead instantly thereto. This is prescribed in S. 187(1) of the Criminal Procedure Code, which regulated the procedure of arraignment in criminal trials as at 5- 11-2002 when the trial of the appellant and his co-accuseds commenced in this case.Per EMMANUEL AKOMAYE AGIM, JSC in AKEEM ABIODUN V. THE STATE (2022-LCER-46641-SC) at P. 9, Paras. B-C.

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CLIMINAL LAW AND PRACTICE – Arraignment – Nature of arraignment


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